How to Get a DBA Name in Illinois

In Illinois, any business that wants to operate under a name that is not the owner's legal name or the name of their corporation or LLC must obtain a DBA (Doing Business As) name. A DBA is necessary to conduct activities such as advertising, signing contracts, and opening bank accounts under a different name.

Here are the steps to follow to get a dba name in illinois:

Step 1: Choose a Name

The most important step in getting a DBA name in Illinois is deciding on a name for your business. This name should be distinguishable from existing business names in the state. You can check for existing business names on the Illinois Secretary of State's website or use a business name search tool.

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Step 2: Determine if a DBA is Needed

In Illinois, a DBA is only needed for sole proprietorships and general partnerships. If your business is structured as a corporation or LLC, you do not need to file a DBA since your business has a legal name.

Step 3: File a DBA

To file a DBA name, you will need to visit your county courthouse or county clerk's office to obtain the necessary forms. Information that you will be asked to provide includes your business name, your name and address, and the type of business you are operating.

The forms must be completed and then signed and notarized. You will then need to file the forms with the county clerk's office. There may be a filing fee, which varies by county.

In addition to filing the forms, you must also publish a notice of your DBA name in a newspaper or other publication that circulates in your county. The notice should run for three weeks in a row, including the initial publication date.

Step 4: Obtain Necessary Permits and Licenses

Not all businesses require permits and licenses, but if your business does, you will need to obtain them before you can begin operating under your new DBA name. You can find out which permits are required for your particular business based on its location and type of activity by visiting the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity's website.

Step 5: Notify Important Parties

Once you have successfully secured your DBA name and obtained necessary permits, it's important to ensure any important parties are informed of the change. This includes business partners, banking institutions and any relevant government agencies that you may engage with while doing business.


Getting a DBA name in Illinois is relatively straightforward. By following the steps outlined above, you can easily and efficiently obtain a DBA name that will allow you to operate your business with a more distinct identity. Though a seemingly small and simple process, getting things in order from the beginning will allow for you to be more focused on the growth of your business in the present and future.

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